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Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Unlock Nokia 1600 | 2600 | 2310

Unlock Nokia 1600 | 2600 | 2310
Berikut ini video buat yang ingin melihat cara unlock HP Nokia jadul s30 seperti 1600 2600 2310 mungkin bisa juga dicoba pada 1200, 1202, atau nokia 1208 dan yang lainnya.

Berikut ini video cara Bypass /  Unlock Nokia 1600 2600 2310 yang saya upload ke youtube

How To Unlock Nokia 1600 2600 2310
  1. Turn on your phone
  2. Enter security code to unlock yuor phone
  3. Notif "Code Error" will be appear because you lost your password security code
  4. Now, press back and go homescreen
  5. Press and Hold "Unlock" or left key button
  6. Wait for +/- 2 seconds.
  7. OK, now notification "Now Press *" Will be appear on screen
  8. Quickly press * button.
  9. Now your keypad is actived, bypass success
Pada beberapa tipe hp jadul nokia s30 kemungkinan besar berhasil, tapi jangan mencobanya pada HP s40, s60, atau smartphone wp lumia dan nokia android, pastinya kagak berhasil. trick ini cuman bypass atau menjebol saja, jadi setiapa kali HP dinyalanak, kamu perlu mengulangi trik diatas. jadi saran terbaik saya ya pastinya adalah flash HP nokia jadul anda :P
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2 Response to "Unlock Nokia 1600 | 2600 | 2310"

  1. Nice information. Even, i had a problem once with my Nokia 1600 mobile security code i tried the default code 0000 and 1234 But it doesn't work. Better i got Master reset code from the site for my phone at free of cost from Unlocking4Free.com

    1. yes, nokia master code only work to old phone s30 and symbian, my post only bypass security code and no reset code, lol

      thanks for information


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