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Saturday, July 21, 2012

FreeGravity AVECRadio v1.0 | S60v1 S60v2

Name: FreeGravity AVECRadio v1.0 S60
Language: English
Platform: S60v1, S60v2

FreeGravity AVECRadio v1.0 | S60v1 S60v2TautanAVEC Radio is a fun and entertaining application for listening to web radio stations. Radio has 8 preset stations that can be readjusted by user. The look and feel of AVEC Radio can be changed by user. There are three inbuilt skins in the application. User can change the skin of the application and restart the application for new skin to appear visual. The application requires Real player in order to work. Audio stream uses 40,2 kb of bandwidth.
Local GPRS network must support the stream.

Download FreeGravity AVECRadio v1.0 S60 (201 Kb)
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